Timberstand Improvement & Sugarbush Management
At Grossman Brothers Maple Products we believe that a good sugarbush management plan and sound forestry practices are a key part of a successful maple syrup operation. Not only do they increase your sugarbush potential, but they encourage a healthy, diverse forest ecosystem. These plans are an integral part of the overall management of your property. A sugarbush management plan is like an owners manual for your woodlot. It provides you with a timeline of what needs to be done and when, to help achieve your management objectives.
A sound sugarbush management plan would include, but is not limited to;
- Identification of current and future tapable maple trees
- Water quality management
- Soil compaction and management
- Timelines for forest operations
- Crop tree releases
- Grapevine control
- Improvement cuts (thinnings)
- Timber harvest
Backed by over a decade in the logging industry and a degree in forest management, I believe that we can provide you with the best sugarbush management plan possible. We are available year round and highly recommend you have a plan in place before the next sugar season to maximize your woodlots potential.